Author: John Braithwaite

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Hello, fellow aquatic adventurers! I'm John Braithwaite, the voice behind Fish Tropics. My passion for fish and their remarkable habitats sprang from childhood wonder and has since grown into an ocean of fascination that never ceases to amaze me.

Did you know that neon tetras are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish? Their vibrant colors and active nature make them a favorite among hobbyists. ButMany aquarium owners find themselves puzzled. How much food should you actually feed your neon tetras? Feeding neon tetras the right amount is crucial for their health and well-being. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, poor water quality, and various health issues. On the other hand, underfeeding can result in malnutrition and stunted growth. We’ll discuss how many flakes or pellets they should be fed, how often to feed them, and what other foods…

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Swordtail fish, with their vibrant colors and distinctive sword-like tails, have captured the hearts of freshwater aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. Belonging to the family Poeciliidae, which also includes guppies and mollies, these fish offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of aquatic life. Understanding the classification of swordtail fish is essential for hobbyists who want to provide optimal conditions for their aquatic companions. From their scientific name to their physical structure and range in the wild, we’ll cover all aspects of their classification. Moreover, we’ll discuss how to create an ideal environment by addressing water conditions and offering insights into successful…

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Did you know that guppies and angelfish, despite their contrasting sizes and temperaments, can actually coexist harmoniously in a freshwater aquarium? It may come as a surprise, but these two popular fish species can make excellent tank mates when certain considerations are taken into account. We’ll explore the compatibility factors between these species, including their life stages, size differences, and potential conflicts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist looking to add some variety to your tank, understanding the dynamics of guppy-angelfish companionship is crucial for a successful setup. Join us as we dive deep into the realm of…

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Neon tetras, those vibrant and peaceful freshwater fish, have captured the hearts of many aquarium enthusiasts. Their small size and stunning beauty make them a popular choice for hobbyists. But how many neon tetras can you keep in a 20 litre tank? That’s the question we’ll tackle in this article. While it may seem like a small tank, there are several factors to consider when determining the number of neon tetras that can comfortably inhabit it. Factors such as bioload, swimming space, and compatibility with other tank mates play a crucial role in creating a healthy and thriving environment for…

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Did you know that the size of white swordtails can vary significantly depending on their gender? These captivating freshwater fish, renowned for their stunning appearance, have a surprising size difference between males and females. White swordtails are not only visually appealing but also remarkably easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for aquarium enthusiasts. We’ll explore everything from tank setup essentials to breeding techniques, ensuring you have all the information needed to provide these beautiful creatures with a thriving environment. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or just starting your journey in fishkeeping, this article will equip you with…

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Guppies and shrimp, two fascinating aquatic creatures, have captivated the hearts of aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. But can these colorful guppies and delicate shrimp coexist peacefully in the same tank? Understanding the natural behavior of guppies and shrimp is key to fostering a harmonious environment. While guppies are known for their vibrant colors and playful nature, shrimp exhibit intriguing behaviors like scavenging and molting. By considering factors such as temperament, size, and water parameter requirements, we can determine their compatibility. Providing ample hiding spots and creating a well-balanced ecosystem with plants and other tank mates can reduce aggression levels between these…

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Ever wondered how to bring out the full potential of your tetras’ colors? The secret lies in their diet. Incorporating live food into their meals can make all the difference. But why is live food so crucial for these vibrant aquatic creatures? From enhancing their natural colors to promoting overall health and vitality, live food plays a vital role in keeping your tetras happy and thriving. We’ll discuss the various types of live food that are suitable for different species, as well as tips on incorporating them into their daily feeding routine. So, if you’re ready to embark on a…

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Swordtails, those vibrant freshwater fish with graceful appearances, have become a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. Their hardiness and ease of care make them an ideal addition to any community tank. But how many swordtails can you keep in a 30-gallon tank? That’s the question we’ll tackle in this article. Determining the appropriate number of swordtails for your tank involves considering several factors. These include the space requirements of each individual fish, as well as their social behavior and compatibility with other species. It’s important to strike a balance between providing enough room for each fish to thrive and ensuring…

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Guppies, those vibrant and low-maintenance freshwater fish, have captured the hearts of many aquarium enthusiasts. But Choosing the right tank size is paramount. From the size of the tank itself to the importance of water quality and temperature control, we’ll cover all the essential aspects. You’ll discover how tank size impacts guppy behavior, breeding patterns, and overall health. We’ll also explore the benefits of incorporating live plants and suitable tank mates for your guppies. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist looking to optimize your guppy’s living conditions, this guide will provide valuable insights on creating an ideal environment…

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Neon tetras, those vibrant little fish that add a burst of color to any aquarium, are a popular choice among freshwater fish enthusiasts. Native to the rivers and streams of South America, these small and peaceful creatures are perfect for community tanks. But here’s the catch: they require specific temperature conditions to thrive. While neon tetras can tolerate a range of temperatures, maintaining a consistent temperature around 24-26 degrees Celsius is ideal for their well-being. Unlike some other tropical fish species, neon tetras prefer cooler waters. This makes them an excellent choice for those who want to create an aquatic…

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